Our Project started in 2024 to support Imaginals to create a world we all know is possible).
We imagine a world that has kindness as its core value in action. From individuals, to families, to groups, to communities, to nations, kindness is the foundation that will allow all of us to live amicably and prosperously. We have taken it upon ourselves to find fellow Imaginals who wish to see this world, and help them find their tribes who can help elevate our world through businesses, policies, and projects that are humanity+.
Our team focuses on 3 things:
Finding and connecting Imaginals and other kindness-driven individuals who want to take action in our world today.
We call this our Kindness Crew.
Creating events on and off-line that teach deeper skills of kindness, and bring people together to raise the vibe.
We call this Amplify Kindness.
Hosting conversations, collecting stories of kindness from around the world, sharing the principles of kindness, and bringing light-hearted people together to be in the field of kindness, altogether.
We call this Imagine Kindness.

Kindness Currency™
Our One-of-a-Kindness™ Currency is absolutely the best way to say thank you to people who show you the love. We use them for appreciation of staff, family and friends, while also recognizing people you meet who simply exemplify kindness, respect, and authenticity. Made of metal and polished golden finish, these coins are sure to bring meaningful recognition to the people you care about.
Imaginal Ventures Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, making your purchase / donation tax deductible. Please ask your tax preparer for additional advice.

One of a Kindness™ Kit
Our One-of-a-Kindness™ Kit is a beautiful package of items to wear proudly and say thank you to people who:
Show you a little kindness
Demonstrate kindness to others
Who exemplify kindness in all kinds of ways and just just want to say thank you!
For a simple donation of $65, you'll receive an amazing kit that will include a collection of items that you can either keep or give-away to your favorite people. Although the contents will change from year to year, you can expect to receive:
3 beautiful gold kindness currency TM coins
3 foldable kindness fans
Some "leave-a-bit-of-kindness" sticky notes
Kindness cards you can write on to share the love
This package is sure to bring meaningful recognition to the people you care about, and will spread the message of One-of-a-Kindness™ world-wide.
Imaginal Ventures Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, making your purchase / donation tax deductible. Please ask your tax preparer for additional advice.